The first line of treatment for a shabby fridge must be self-evident: toss everything that has outlived its purpose. The worst offenders are condiments, which people assume last forever, and leftover food. They get pushed to the back and are mostly forgotten.
Next, scrub the inside of your refrigerator thoroughly. Rotten food can smell bad and spoil other food items inside as well. Make a monthly refrigerator inventory to ensure that the contents are still fresh.
If your shelves and drawers are detachable, take everything outside and soak them in soap and warm water. Wash the fridge’s inside down with a 1-to-1 solution of hot water, white vinegar, and dish soap. Rinse with a wet cloth.
Keep in mind that only food-safe cleansers should be used inside your refrigerator. However, do not use bleach as it’s tough to dilute and rinse thoroughly.