A bull market in stock markets refers to a rise in a company’s stock price. A continuous increase in prices defines a bull market. During this time, investors frequently believe that the uptrend will endure in the long run. The economic growth is usually strong in this situation, and employment rates are high.
Investor confidence significantly impacts the economic markets for stocks, bonds, and commodities. Optimism soars during bull markets when investment rates climb for extended periods. Investors are willing to acquire or hold stocks, owing to the booming economies that accompany bull markets. This leads to a buyer’s market.
Bulls in US markets have had a few remarkable runs over a long period. It began with the post-World War II boom, which outperformed the market’s peak before the Great Depression. Since then, the market has gone through several bull markets. The longest one lasted from 2009 to 2019 and coincided with the collapse of the US home market.