The correct strategy to manage your finances would be to prepare for unforeseen expenses. A rainy day fund is significant. Sometimes, life surprises you with huge bills when you least expect them.
These unexpected costs are usually followed by stressful events such as a hospital visit or a job loss. You cannot tell when a crisis will strike, but you can be ready for it. Make a conscious effort to set aside money for your emergency fund with each paycheck.
Many specialists advise having an emergency reserve of three to six months’ worth of spending. This, however, will be determined by your risk tolerance. If you feel better if you have more money saved, you can increase your emergency fund.
Create secondary savings account for your emergency fund. Otherwise, it would be far too easy to blow this money. Alternatively, you can concentrate on the current emergency. This way, you won’t have to worry if an emergency arises. And you will be thankful for this.