As an investor, it’s not possible to avoid bear markets. Therefore, you should focus on risk management. There are many risks when having an undiversified portfolio. Diversification can protect your portfolio from suffering immeasurable losses.
If you invest all your income in one company, your success will be very short-lived as the company can get shut down due to regulatory issues, an outbreak of a disease, or poor leadership. To have a backup, investors invest in many stocks to balance out the losses and eliminate the risk of losing your portfolio.
Building a diversified portfolio takes effort, patience, and research. You could also invest in a mutual fund, the ETF mentioned above, or an index fund. These funds have a basket of investments, simplifying your portfolio diversification. For example, an S&P 500 Index Fund aims to mirror the performance of the S&P 500 by investing in the index of those 500 companies.
However, the good news is that your portfolio can have a combination of individual stocks and funds. Just keep in mind to use less than or equal to 10% of your portfolio to your trusted stocks and the rest in index funds.