First and foremost, pay yourself. The number one key for effectively saving more is to pay yourself first before other bills. Many people find that if they set aside a certain amount of money in savings with each paycheck, they don’t miss the money they’ve saved.
You can choose when, how much, and where you want to transfer money, and you can even split your direct deposit so that a part of the paycheck gets into your savings account.
Setting a goal or an aim is one of the most effective strategies to save money. Start by considering your savings goals perhaps you’re getting married, planning a vacation, or preparing for retirement. Then calculate how much funds you’ll require and how long you’ll need to save them.
Set a small, attainable short-term objective for something enjoyable that you aren’t likely to have the means to pay for, such as a new phone or holiday gifts. Reaching smaller goals—and enjoying the delightful reward you’ve saved for—can provide a psychological boost that makes saving more worthwhile.